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We changed address. We are now on Av. Francisco Manyanga Nº 680, Matola City.

Call us: +258 841847496

Our products

Light Grey Sofa
- Infiltration Articulated Anesthesia Syringe
- Facilitates the medical procedure
- Made of stainless steel
Celling Lights
- Specially formulated general lubricant
- Provides long life to materials
- Contains alcohol propellant
High Stand Chair
- Foldable and disposable for cavity lining, bonding and etching
- Effective application in tiny amounts
- Fluoride varnish and assorted colors
Dining Sofa with Tea-table
- It incorporates a metallic wire so that it perfectly maintains the desired angle
- Allows you to adjust to the ideal suction level
- Rounded lid, fixed or removable
Bathroom Cloths Shelves
- Flexibility and increased resistance to cyclic fatigue
- Provides efficient dentin removal
- Can be used repeatedly and is sterilizable
Golden Lamp for Room
- Contains sodium bicarbonate and surfactants
- Helps to remove loose dental tissue and debris
- Peppermint flavor provides a feeling of freshness
White Cuddle Chair with CusionsWhite Cuddle Chair with Cusions
- Ideal for selective etch and/or total etch
- Makes precise application easier
- Flexible distribution tip
Golden Lamp for Room
- Disinfectant and antiseptic
- Low toxicity
- Ease of use
Golden Lamp for Room
- More resistant in handling corrosive products
- Easy placement and natural adjustment
- Suaves ao toque
Golden Lamp for Room
- Indicated for minimally invasive restoration
- It has low solubility and less erosion of the material in the oral cavity
- With better marginal sealing
Golden Lamp for Room
- Can be Recast without losing properties
- Soft and with excellent flexibility
- Good adhesion
Golden Lamp for Room
- 5th generation sticker
- Water based
- Less sensitive to moisture
Golden Lamp for Room
- Excellent optical self-mixing properties
- Offers 8 shades of dentin and 2 shades of enamel
- Focused on simplifying color selection without neglecting aesthetic aspects
Golden Lamp for Room
- Made from highly absorbent cellulose
- Glued and etched with a waterproof polyethylene film
- Ensures better absorption of liquid in your treatments
Golden Lamp for Room
- Tooth-like staining
- Less marginal microleakage
- Has great grip
Golden Lamp for Room
- Natural transparency of the incisal layer
- Great hardness and abrasion resistance
- Natural appearance of the molds
Golden Lamp for Room
- Tried and tested for decades
- Features a unique ability to retract
- Continuously absorbs and retains moisture, even under pressure
Golden Lamp for Room
- It has a very pleasant mint scent
- Tear resistant
- Easy to form around rubber clamps without breaking
Golden Lamp for Room
- Highest quality hand laminated
- Gutta Percha for extremely close tolerance
- Ideal para obturação de canais radiculares
Golden Lamp for Room
- Facilitate insertion into root canals
- They have high absorption
- Excellent hand rolled workability